Meta Peering Meta Peering
Meta Peering: How it works?

Initially, we collect all the traffic exchange locations (IXP or facilities) where 2 ISPs currently have their presence. Using these information, we generate all possible peering deals considering only the common locations where both the ISPs are present and identify the best deals from the requester ISP's point of view. We give willingness score to each of these deals and sort them according to different preferences: difference, own, and ratio. More on these, later.

Finally, we recommend the top 3 best deals. For each deal, we also suggest the locations where traffic exchange should take place.

Meta-peering basic diagram
Peering recommendation sorting criteria:
  • Difference minimizes the absolute difference between in/out-bound traffic for requester ISP.
  • Own maximizes the requester ISP’s own traffic amount that it can offload, regardless of how much traffic it receives from the candidate ISP.
  • Ratio prefers lower in/out-bound traffic ratio instead of absolute values.
Peering query form input format:
  • ASN1 is the Requester ISP's (ISP1) Autonomous System Number (ASN).
  • ASN2 is the Candidate ISP's (ISP2) ASN.
  • Threshold is the flexibility of the Requester ISP. Lower threshold indicates more Openness towards peering. This value is used to filter out such candidate ISPs which may not be suitable for the requester ISP.


  • Requester and Candidate ISPs can't be same.
  • We'll automatically select the ASN from the Requester and Candidate ISP name.